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Profitable value-added dairy enterprises begin with proper care and maintenance of dairy animals. Healthy animals produce good quality milk that may be processed into quality milk products. Click here to browse publications related to dairy animal care and maintenance.

Cheeses and other cultured products take time to cure before consumption. Depending on the product, this cure time can be from a few weeks to more than a year. Click here to browse publications related to different cultured dairy products.

Co-packers can be a great way to start or test your product. This arrangement allows you to use another person’s facility to produce your product before buying all equipment and building a processing facility. Click here to browse publications focused on co-packers.

Fluid dairy products, such as white milk, flavored milk, buttermilk, and eggnog, can be an easy and quick product to process from start to finish. These products have a shorter shelf life than other products and must be sold and consumed promptly. Click here to browse publications related to different fluid dairy products.

Frozen dairy products have always been a staple in households across America. This can be an easy way to attract customers during the summertime. To learn more about ice cream and other frozen dairy products, click here.

Value-added dairy businesses can have a remarkable product, but without proper and sufficient marketing, it is unlikely products will be sold. Click here to browse resources to help with marketing and promotion of your dairy products.

Without adequate volume and quality milk, a value-added dairy business cannot hope to succeed in creating a desirable dairy product. Click here to browse publications related to milking practices and troubleshooting of bacterial counts on a dairy.

People often overlook non-food products when thinking of dairy products. Non-food products, such as soaps and lotions, can be a valuable market for some processors. To view non-food dairy publications, click here.