USDA Pandemic Response and Safety (PRS) Grant Program

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We wanted to make you aware of USDA’s Pandemic Response and Safety (PRS) Grant Program that helps nonprofits and small business owners in agriculture respond to COVID-19. The small business owners eligible for this grant include specialty crop producers, aquaculture producers, other select producers, food processors and distributors and all farmers markets. Note that slaughter plants and producers with value-added manufacturing operations for meat, dairy, poultry and other food products may be eligible. Producers and processors can check to see if they are eligible to apply at this link.

Grant funds cover changes made in response to COVID related to:

  • Workplace Safety
    • Provide personal protective equipment, thermometers, cleaning supplies, sanitizer or hand washing stations
    • Installation and purchase of air filters or new signage
  • Market Pivots
    • Develop and implement online platforms
    • Utilize online or print materials to communicate market pivots
  • Retrofitting Facilities
    • Installation and purchase of protective barriers made of plexiglass or plastic sheeting, walk up windows, heat lamps/heaters, fans, tents, propane, weights, tables, chairs and lighting
  • Transportation
    • Secure additional transportation services for workers
    • Offer new delivery routes or distribution services
  • Worker Housing
    • Secure additional housing resources/services to maintain social distancing or to allow for quarantining of new or exposed employees
  • Medical
    • Offer or enable vaccinations, testing or healthcare treatment of infected employees, including ay paid leave due to COVID-19 infection

The PRS Grant covers eligible costs incurred from January 27, 2020 to December 31, 2021. $650 million is available and business owners may apply for amounts from $1,500 to $20,000.

The application period opened October 6, 2021 and closes at 11:59 pm Eastern Time on November 22, 2021.

To apply for the PRS Grant Program, you must obtain a DUNS (data universal numbering system) number first. A DUNS number is a free, unique 9-digit identifier for your business. Use this link to apply for a DUNS number. Videos that detail how to get a DUNS number are available at and

Note that it may take 5 business days to receive your DUNS number, so take this into consideration when applying.

Once you have obtained your DUNS number, you may complete the online application at the Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program Application. Receipts of expenses are not required for the application but you should maintain sufficient records of your requested reimbursements or expenditures for proof of purchases.

Additional information about the PRS application, an application checklist and video links for each step can be found here.

Contact the PRS Helpdesk at or (301) 238-5550 with questions. You may also contact UTIA Associate Professor Aaron Smith at or (865) 974-7476 or Center for Profitable Ag Extension Specialist Hal Pepper at or (931) 486-2777.